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Canada Student Visa – How To Apply

Many individuals search the web in order to find ways of applying for a Canada student visa. There are specific steps you must take before submitting an application, which we’ll cover here. You won’t require one if your stay in Canada will only last six months or less.

Many students plan to apply for Canadian student visas after arriving in Canada, which can cause considerable stress. Sometimes you must return home in order to apply for one.

Renewable Canadian student visas provide you with another avenue of renewal should your ticket expire and you are still studying.

Imagine getting accepted at any Canadian university. Doing so would make obtaining your study permit much quicker, and allow you to work while studying in Canada before eventually applying for permanent residency.

Canadian Study Permit Application

There are multiple paths available to you when applying for a student visa. While European countries often qualify, Canada only provides two ways of acquiring such permits.

Paper Application: When applying using paper applications, there’s always the risk that it won’t be immediately approved. A scanner and printer are necessary to upload your debit/credit card details online.

Online application: This typically require you to upload digital copies of all documentation.

How to Get a Canada Student Visa

Here are the key points you need to remember in order to obtain a student visa.

Step 1: Acceptance Letter: In Canada, an acknowledgement letter of acceptance from any institution is not mandatory.

Beginning your Canadian education is simple – search schools online before submitting an application online and once accepted you’re off to the next step!

Step Two: Submit Application

The Citizenship and Immigration Canada website is your only option for applying for a visa; your country should have its own Canadian Embassy for this process, although this could take time and be time-consuming.

Step 3: After creating an account on CIC’s website, answer questions about yourself to create your personal checklist. Questions will be provided throughout this step to make the process easy for you.

Step 4: Register on MyCIC Log into MyCIC

Mystic account allows you to easily create a personal checklist and complete the CIC application process.

Step 5: Attend Your Interview Once your application has been accepted, the next step may involve attending an interview in which your visa status will be decided upon. Here you will discover whether or not it has been granted.

What should you do after applying?

After your application has been reviewed and approved, the next step in planning your trip can begin.

Make sure that all of your documents, such as passport and any immigration paperwork, are easily accessible when it’s time to meet immigration officials.

We wish you the best as you pursue a Canada Student Visa application.

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