A crucial point in the life of those who do Day trade and Swing trades is when choosing the Best forex platform for beginners, because many times we end up leaving a good part of our profit or even being blocked in the brokerage that does not act professionally. Know that there are several forex brokers such as Ic markets, XM, Fbs, Activetrades, interactive brokers, oanda, pnc market among other trading brokers.
If you keep wondering how to make money in forex, know that now I will teach you how to choose the Best forex platform for beginners escaping those forex spreads and in addition to teaching you how to make money in forex.
How to make money in forex?
Before showing you the Best forex platform for beginners, I will tell you about how to make a profit daily trading forex trading. To be a trader, you need to know if you like faster short-term operations such as scalping, which contains operations from 1 2 3 to 15 minutes, or if you prefer day trading operations whose closing is carried out on the same day as yours. opening or even the swing trade that its closing in at least 2 days and closing can reach weeks.
Is it risky to operate in the forex market?
Different from what most people think, the forex market as well as the entire financial market there is a correct way to do it, because the banks that operate in it, always come out positive, and this way of operating that you must follow to be profitable . I can’t tell you that you don’t have risk or that you will always come out positive, but rather that trading mainly in forex in the currency trading market is not luck, but techniques that will make you come out positive 90% of the time.
Graphical analysis:
A graphical analysis consists of using forex, futures or crypto market patterns that happened in the past, using them to read what might happen in the future. You for example of a forex trade whose logo will show the Best forex platform beginners where on the chart of the financial asset of your choice you will see times when the USD/JPY has dropped to 140,004. , giving a profit of $414 if you enter just one lot and now try to re-enter the short when it hits resistance again.
Technical analysis of indicators:
Much like the Graphical analysis, this technical analysis consists of operating at points where mathematical indications show you where the price has already fallen or risen several times and now it is testing that same region again, being able to repeat that again. Trading indicators can be a bit late for some people as it needs the movement to start happening to give you entry, but that doesn’t mean you can’t profit from them.
Flow analysis and patterns:
This is the most assertive way of trading in the entire financial market, in addition to being the way banks use to operate in forex and national markets. This operation consists of waiting for the price to break a point where it has already retracted and closed leaving the candle’s pavil (line above, below or both of the candle) and going back inside giving you an entry up to the minimum, maximum or 50% of the candle.
Best forex platform for beginners:
When you are looking for the Best forex platform for beginners there are some prerequisites that must be followed as a free forex trading platform with good spreads, good margin and high leverage. To trade there are two main forex platforms like Tradingview and Metatrader 4 and two different best forex brokers for each type of platform.
- Oanda trading platform:
Oanda is a well-researched and well-researched forex broker that has been in the market since 1996 and has won numerous awards for its trust, customer support at one of the tightest forex spreads on the market. Oanda spreads is highly praised in addition to the oanda minimum deposit which is a lower value when compared to other brokers in the forex market. In case it only accepts Metatrader 4 so if you prefer MT4 this can be your choice.
- Interactive brokers:
When it comes to Trading platforms for day trading on forex and futures trading platforms, Interactive brokers is one of the best options as it has Interactive brokers mt4 as one of its products, in addition to tradingview interactive brokers which is the second best forex trading platform on the entire market according to the experts. I believe that Interactive brokers is the Best forex platform for beginners because in addition to having good forex spreads, it has different account sizes and leverages for different levels of risk and capital of its clients, allowing everyone to enter the trading market and make money with day trading, without being scammed by clickbank course sellers or any other platform.
Final warnings: See my tips and test both platforms, so that you know the best forex platform for beginners and only stay on the one you like the most, feel comfortable with and that meets your preferences. Stay on top of tips, financial market techniques, investment tips, the best loans and ways to make money on the internet on our website with tips updated daily.