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Youtube studio – How to make money with it

Youtube studio is the area of ​​youtube content creators, many know this, but something that few know is that there is an area that allows us to know the videos that work best on our youtube channel, making you earn money on google adsense account through youtube ads advertisers. The best thing about making money on youtube is that when you receive your money from your google adsense account, the withdrawal goes to your bank without any delay and every 22nd.

In this article you will learn how to know the youtube money per view of your channel, in addition to boosting it, receiving more and more youtube advertising in your videos, multiplying your dollars by sampling google ads youtube ads and make many more views on your Youtube channel.

How do we get from Google adsense?

Google adsense is nothing more than advertisers who want to promote youtube video doing youtube marketing, and therefore pay a price to appear their ads, either on a specific channel or in a specific niche, so it pays a certain amount to youtube, which then passes on part of this value to the youtuber creator by Google adsense account.

How to make youtube creator studio work for you?

Youtube Studio or youtube analytics, was made to know how good your video is, your audience, among other things. When we post a video, Youtube sends that video to a portion of the youtube community, and if this portion of the majority of people who see your video click, it starts sending it to more and more people. Your channel impressions are very important because when youtube out of 10 people showed your video cover and 8 clicked, that means 80% of people click, so youtube goes and sends it to 100 more if it continues to be a good metric, it send it to 1000 and so on. However that said, you should take all your videos that have been posted and analyze which video style is most viewed, in addition to the target audience of this video.

How to increase your youtube money per view?

To increase your youtube studio metrics, you must first know the most important ones, which are: CPM = cost per thousand views, that is, when you get every 1000 views on youtube. There is also the metric CPC = cost per click on ads, that is, each click on an ad that appears when the person is accessing your video generates a value just for their click. Ready now with these two metrics, I will teach you a way to increase earnings on google adsense account in a quick and guaranteed way. Marketing on youtube through youtube google ads has a different cost for each niche and type of ad in the youtube community, that is, a channel with 1 million sewing subscribers earns less than a channel with 50 thousand subscribers in the niche of trade, investments, forex and the like. What you should do is test videos in the finance niche, as this niche pays a lot on the google adsense account about 30 times more, causing your Youtube money per view metrics to be increased in your youtube creator studio.

How to get thousands of views on your youtube channel?

The Youtube channel is nothing more than a research tool, that is, if you want to get views, you should know how to make videos and your youtube lives based on each subject and most searched tags at the moment, but there is a catch, In addition to having a well-made video, a well-made thumbnail and a good description, you must be able to talk about that well-researched subject as quickly as possible and preferably be able to do it before everyone else, so that your video will appear on top of the search for that subject and it will be the most clicked video.

How to know the most searched subjects on Youtube?

For you to find the most searched subjects of the youtube community, you can use some platforms for this. The first platform is Google trends, there you have real-time access to the most searched searches on the entire internet and so you will have a viral subject that can make your video also go viral. There is another platform called youtube google ads, where you can find out through the keyword planner which are the most searched words and their monthly averages, I use google ads a lot when describing my videos, because that’s how youtube analytics will know that my subject is highly ranked and will share it with other people on the platform.

Final warnings: To finish this article about youtube studio and google adsense account I must tell you that youtube and adsense is a mine to make money on the internet, there you can really change your life. To prove what I said about promote youtube video with the most searched topics, I already made a fight video on a channel with 14 subscribers to reach 3.5 million views in 1 week and I gained 13 thousand subscribers, and that without doing anything wrong, just posting a video with a well researched subject before everyone else.

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